MIT Introduction to Algorithms (6.006) - Fall, 2011
All videos in this page belongs to MIT Open Courseware.
  1. Algorithmic Thinking, Peak Finding
  2. Models of Computation, Document Distance
  3. Insertion Sort and Merge Sort
  4. Heaps and Heap Sort
  5. Binary Search Tree, BST Sort
  6. AVL Tree, AVL Sort
  7. Counting Sort, Radix Sort, Lower Bounds of Sorting
  8. Hashing With Chaining
  9. Table Doubling, Karp-RObin
  10. Open Addressing, Cryptographic Hashing
  11. Integer Arithmetic, Karatsuba Multiplication
  12. Square Roots: Newton's Method
  13. Breadth First Search
  14. Depth First Sort, Topological Sort
  15. Single Source Shortest Paths Problem
  16. Dijkstra Algorithm
  17. Bellman Ford Algorithm
  18. Speeding Up Dijkstra Algorithm
  19. DP: Fibonacci, Shortest Paths
  20. DP: Text Justification, Blackjack
  21. DP: Parenthisization, Edit Distance, Knapsack
  22. DP: Guitar Fingering, Tetris, Super Mario Bros
  23. Computational Complexity
  24. Topics In Algorithms Research
  1. Asymptotic Complexity, Peak Finding
  2. Python Cost Model, Document Distance
  3. Document Distance, Insertion and Merge Sort
  4. Recursion Trees, Binary Search Trees
  5. AVL Trees
  6. Comparision, Counting and Radix Sort
  7. Simulation Algorithms
  8. Rolling Hashes, Amortized Analysis
  9. DNA Sequence Matching
  10. Quiz 1 Review
  11. Principles of Algorithm Design
  12. Karatsuba Multiplication, Newton's Method
  13. Bradth First Search
  14. Depth First Search
  15. Shortest Paths
  16. Rubik's Cube, StarCraft Zero
  17. Quiz 2 Review
  18. Dynamic Programming: Crazy Eights, Shortest Path
  19. Dynamic Programming: Blackjack
  20. Dynamic Programming: Knapsack Problems
  21. Dynamic Programming: Dance Dance Revolution
  22. Computational Complexity
  23. Final Exam Review